Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How your self-image affects your self-esteem

One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was fear of failure and the lack of self confidence I needed to overcome that fear. It is something we all face to some degree. The question is: how do I overcome that fear? The answer lies in working on your self-image and self-esteem. Consequently, you will develop the self-confidence you need to go through life, live your dreams, and be 100% happy with your life.
Many of us seem to lack self- confidence or self-belief. This is often as a result of having developed a negative self-image and low self-esteem over time through experience from childhood. As a child, you might have constantly been told that you are  clumsy, fat, dull, ugly etc. You have gradually come to believe those negative criticisms about you and have made them your reality. As you grow and interact with others, you begin to feel that others are more normal than you, you are no fun, you can’t do anything right, others are more good-looking or smarter and so forth. With time, such negative feelings begin to affect you. They inhibit you from realizing
your full potential and harmfully affect your relationships, work and overall happiness. It is time to do something about it. Do not despair. You can completely turn around your self- perception and develop the self-confidence needed to face the world.

Your self-image, self-esteem and self-confidence
What is self-image? How is it related to self esteem? How can these be improved to gain self confidence?
Self-image is the mental picture you have about your physical appearance. Do you feel good about your looks? If you don’t feel good about how you look, it will definitely affect your self-confidence negatively.

Self-esteem has to do with how you feel about yourself and your abilities. Do you feel good about your abilities? Do you feel that you are worthy of respect from others?
You need to love yourself completely. Accept your strengths and weaknesses. Magnify your strengths by engaging in activities that brings out the best in you and work on your weaknesses. If you don’t feel good about your appearance and abilities, you will often feel threatened by people you perceive to be more good-looking, intelligent, smarter or richer than you. Consequently this will affect how you relate with others, inhibit you from realizing your full potential, and harmfully affect your work, emotion and overall well-being.
If you are low in self-confidence, it is possible to do things that will change that. You can bring your self confidence under your control. It is not genetic and you do not have to rely on others to increase your self confidence. If you believe that you are not very competent, not very smart, not very attractive, etc. That can be changed. You can become someone worthy of respect and someone who can pursue what he wants despite the nay saying of others. You can do this by taking control of your life and self-confidence. By taking concrete actions to improve your competence, and self-image, you can increase that self-confidence without the help of anyone else.
In subsequent articles, we shall look at some actions you could take to give a boost to your self- image and self-esteem so as to develop that confidence you need to take on life’s huddles. Then you will begin to see positive changes on:
- how people respond to you
- your work life
- your relationships
- achieving your goals
- new opportunities
- your state of happiness.

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