Friday, 30 October 2015

Ladies, here are 4 needs that will make your man want to be committed.

When you start dating a man, at first you might be strongly attracted to each other. But what happens a few weeks or months into the relationship? What tips the scale when a person’s love-induced brain chemistry stabilizes and the newness of the relationship wears off? What makes a man take the huge leap from falling in love to committing to his woman? Men have certain innate needs that must be met before they truly feel connected to a woman and want to stay with her for life. Here are a few at the top of the list:

1.       Let him protect you.
All men, both introverts and extroverts are hard-wired to protect. Have you ever heard of the damsel-in-distress act? Subtly allow your man to see your vulnerable side. This will unlock his natural instinct to nurture and protect you in his own unique way. Sometimes you could ask his opinion on something you want to do and follow through. Ask him to fix something for you, like a damaged light switch, your car or anything. But be sure it something he knows how to do.  This tells him you value his intellect and abilities and makes him feel he has your best interest at heart.  Never try to prove that you are a know-it-all or correct him over every minor issue. Men usually don’t find it easy to commit to a woman who makes them feel less capable. Play up your feminine side. Feed his confidence and you’ll ‘drive him crazy’.
2.       Support his need for freedom.
Support your man’s need to maintain his freedom. Let him have his space. Allow him to still hang out with his buddies and do things he loves doing. Don’t force him to make you his only attention. He may soon get bored and want out. Show him you have a life of your own and have goals. Reassure your man that you understand his need for freedom. Men hate feeling tied down. He might be expecting you to make feel tied down but surprise him with the unexpected. Sometimes you could turn down occasional plans with him. He just might start wondering what you are doing and pursue you more. More importantly, respect his privacy. So don’t ransack his drawers and stay away from his phone when it rings. By making it clear you don’t infringe on his freedom, he will feel you understand him and he will want you more.
3.       Support his desire to feel secure.
There are times when self-doubt and insecurities gets the better of even the most confident men. Make your man feel respected and appreciated both internally and in the eyes of others. Be a source of inspiration when he is stressed and has retreated into his cave. Drag him out of the house and go to some fun place. Always speak and act with confidence and naturally he will want to be attached to you. You’ll be swaying his subconscious mind to carry on his genes with you.
4.       Support his need for comfort.
Men want to feel the comfort of having a partner who complements their personality and with whom they enjoy spending time with. You can rekindle the feeling of falling in love by making your man feel that both of you are a perfect match.  Groom yourself in his presence. This enhances intimacy since he alone has the pleasure of witnessing this special moment. Prepare his favorite meal in his presence or together. The more two of you cook and eat together, the more she associates you with the good feelings he gets from eating.
Make him feel at home at your place by stocking up on those items and brands he uses at his own place. Subconsciously he will feel secure around.
Granted there are other factors that may influence your decision to be committed to each other such as career path, family, etc. If you are able to fulfill these four innate desires in your man, the chances are, he will realize that he hasn’t just falling in love with you but he wants  to be committed to  being with you.

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