Thursday, 29 October 2015

10 things grown men do to make her stay.

These days, most guys have been conditioned to feel you need to have a huge bank account to have a loyal woman. But truth be told. It’s not just about money. Granted girls run after money but grown women look for grown men who have got these manly qualities.
1.       Neat and tidy apartment
 A neat person likes to keep themselves, their house and their possessions clean and in good         order. You don’t necessarily need to have your own place or have very expensive furnishings.     You should take pride in surrounding yourself with an environment that supports an active and healthy lifestyle. If you are too lazy to keep your apartment clean, then you might as well be too lazy to take care of more important things in life. This is neither manly nor attractive.
2.       Passion
Love what you do for a living even if that is not your dream job. Be capable of motivating yourself and make sure you have a plan of getting to the next level. Be driven by your realistic goals.
3.       Know when to open up and when to stand up for yourself.
When you have a problem, open up, speak your mind but do so calmly and respectfully. A manly man does not go about agreeing with everything she says. So have a mind of your own. Voice your opinion and preferences but do so with respect for your lady and always be open to hearing her own thoughts on the matter.
4.       Set your priorities straight.
What do you care about? What are the things that are more important to you? As a man you must have direction. Know what you want out of life and give those things attention and care. Make sure she is at the top of the list. She will see you as a winner even if you are not there yet and she’ll follow you to the moon.
5.       Take care of yourself- body and mind.
A real man understands that in order to feel good, you have to feel healthy. So Feed well, make out time for regular exercise and clean up nicely. She’ll love you for that. Be a well-oiled machine inside out.
6.       Be supportive and positive
A real man supports the woman he loves and encourages her to pursue her dream. Don’t use the word can’t when it comes to the things she loves to do. Be supportive and keep things positive.
7.       Know what you want and be decisive.
A grown man is not indecisive or wishy- washy. He knows what he wants and makes decisions quickly using good judgment. So don’t engage in pointless argument with your woman over what to do. When she asks you what you want to do, give her options then you could go along with the option she chooses. This shows you know what you are doing and are not afraid to let her lead.
8.       Show her she has your attention.
When you are with her alone, show that you are interested in her alone, and shower her with attention. Don’t be distracted by a TV show, music or any other thing. Let her be your distraction.
9.       Admit that you were wrong.
A mature man admits his mistake and accepts correction. Don’t try to turn the table, lay blames or be unyielding. Being wrong is part of human nature. You can only grow when you accept your error and learn.
10.   Show her you love her.
Don’t just tell her you love her. Show her she is part of your life. Don’t be shy to express your love for her because she is the one you chose to love.

If you take your time to make these actions your nature, you are sure to find the love of your life that will make you happy for a long, long time.

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