Are you a team leader? Then you need these qualities.

Confidence: for you to be a successful team leader, your team has to believe in you and your decisions. You must be confident in your abilities and the abilities of your team members. You must be secure about the decisions you make that affect your team. A self-confident team leader also reassures his team of his authority within the organization. When things go wrong, employees look to you for the answers and judge the situation based upon your reaction it’s important to always be confident, calm, and set a good example. If you aren’t confident with the organization in a situation, then be confident in your own leadership skills. Your job is to maintain the happy work environment, and continue leading the team in their daily work.
Respect: You must respect your team members. This does not mean submission.  Rather you see them as individuals with distinct personalities and abilities whose contributions can go a long way to make a success of the team. You must empower and encourage them to offer ideas about decisions that affect them. When team members know that they are valued, they bring out their best and they respect your authority.

Communication: Effective team leaders communicate clearly. Quality verbal and written communication skills allow leaders to present job descriptions and expectations to team members in a way workers can understand. Effective communication skills also allow team leaders to listen to the input of others. Without clear communication, your employees won’t understand your mission, goals, and vision. With great communication, your employees will know exactly what they are working for, will rely on you, and will give their best effort for you.

Integrity: An effective team leader is honest and open with his team members. A Leader who possesses integrity gains the trust of team members because he does what he says and treats others the same way he wants to be treated. People want to work for a leader they can trust−a leader that has morals, values, and integrity.  They want to work for a company that offers a great product or service they can believe in, and that has an honorable reputation.

Inspiration: If you’re starting a new business, or you’re leading a team in a business that’s already been established, it’s important to get employees invested in the vision and future of the company. You must be inspired and invested in the company in order to inspire others, like the founders of Google. The product of their own inspiration has inspired millions of others across the world, and has significantly impacted the world we live in today. Though inspiration often looks forward to the future, it’s also important for the present; it gives employees a reason to work, to succeed, and to do their best in everything they do. Make them feel invested in the company through inspiration and they’ll be loyal, hard-working employees.

Positivity: Regardless of the situation, always stay positive. Positivity is essential to productivity, employee happiness, and work environment. When mistakes are made- even if they are serious, it’s important to look at the bright side of things. You are setting the tone for the work day, and your attitude directly affects those under your leadership. Bringing snacks, giving compliments, and even showing an appropriate interest in an employee’s personal life can have a significant impact on their work day.

Commitment: You show commitment and humility when you get your hands dirty with the rest of the workers. Showing your commitment sets the example for others to follow, and leads to greater loyalty and respect for you as a leader. Always be committed in whatever you do, whether it is; a promise to have a holiday party, a day off, or a meeting time. You are in the spotlight as a leader, and you will be judged harder for your actions than others will be. Set the tone of commitment, and others will follow suit.

Humor: Although this is not a requirement, a sense of humor goes a long way in leadership. It helps create a positive work environment and enhances the feeling of comradeship. Your unique personality and sense of humor shows your employees that you are more than a leader, and that you aren’t a machine, which encourages them to feel comfortable around you.

Creativity:  Some decisions have to be made quickly, and catch us by surprise. In times like these, it’s up to you to think outside the box to find a solution. Your team will be looking to you in these situations for guidance, so a quick decision must also be a good decision.

Intuition: Sometimes we are presented with situations that aren’t in the textbooks, and for which you might not be prepared as a leader. The first decision isn’t always the best one, and taking your time to come up with a unique solution can be in the best interest of your workers and organization. Sometimes, leaders have to draw upon their instincts, past experiences, and mentors for help in these complicated situations.

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